SeboCalm Active Moisturizer
Wake up to a calmand clear skin with SeboCalm Moisturizer
SeboCalm Moisturizer for sensitive skinsoothes the skin, treats irritations redness and seborrhea and balances andretains the skin?s moisture. The cream has a delicate texture... Readmore>>
Wake up to a calm and clear skin withSeboCalm Moisturizer
SeboCalm Moisturizer for sensitive skin soothesthe skin, treats irritations redness and seborrhea and balances and retains theskin?s moisture. The cream has a delicate texture and low fat content andis suitable for all skin types and all ages.
In a clinical trial published in the international Journal of DermatologicalTreatment, SeboCalm Moisturizer was proven effective in soothing the skinand treating seborrhea, redness and irritations.
+ Soothes red, irritatedskin prone to flakiness
+ Soothes red, irritated skin prone to flakinessContains plant extractsthat retain moisture and gradually release it into the skin
+ Soothes red, irritated skin prone to flakinessEncourages the skin?s natural mechanism for creating moisture and absorbing excess oil
+ Soothes red, irritated skin prone to flakinessQuickly absorbed into theskin and Prevents oiliness and shine
+ Soothes red, irritated skin prone to flakinessIdeal for soothing theskin after shaving
+ Soothes red, irritated skin prone to flakinessSuitable for the extradelicate facial skin of babies and children
Over 90% of dermatologist recommendSeboCalm
Hypoallergenic and dermatologically testedfor sensitive skin